Data Members
Recordset Attributes
Recordset Update Operations
Recordset Navigation Operations
Other Recordset Operations
Recordset Overridables
m_hstmt | Contains the ODBC statement handle for the recordset. Type HSTMT. |
m_nFields | Contains the number of field data members in the recordset. Type UINT. |
m_nParams | Contains the number of parameter data members in the recordset. Type UINT. |
m_pDatabase | Contains a pointer to the CDatabase object through which the recordset is connected to a data source. |
m_strFilter | Contains a CString that specifies a Structured Query Language (SQL) WHERE clause. Used as a filter to select only those records that meet certain criteria. |
m_strSort | Contains a CString that specifies an SQL ORDER BY clause. Used to control how the records are sorted. |
CRecordset | Constructs a CRecordset object. Your derived class must provide a constructor that calls this one. |
Open | Opens the recordset by retrieving the table or performing the query that the recordset represents. |
Close | Closes the recordset and the ODBC HSTMT associated with it. |
CanAppend | Returns nonzero if new records can be added to the recordset via the AddNew member function. |
CanBookmark | Returns nonzero if the recordset supports bookmarks. |
CanRestart | Returns nonzero if Requery can be called to run the recordset’s query again. |
CanScroll | Returns nonzero if you can scroll through the records. |
CanTransact | Returns nonzero if the data source supports transactions. |
CanUpdate | Returns nonzero if the recordset can be updated (you can add, update, or delete records). |
GetODBCFieldCount | Returns the number of fields in the recordset. |
GetRecordCount | Returns the number of records in the recordset. |
GetStatus | Gets the status of the recordset: the index of the current record and whether a final count of the records has been obtained. |
GetTableName | Gets the name of the table on which the recordset is based. |
GetSQL | Gets the SQL string used to select records for the recordset. |
IsOpen | Returns nonzero if Open has been called previously. |
IsBOF | Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned before the first record. There is no current record. |
IsEOF | Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned after the last record. There is no current record. |
IsDeleted | Returns nonzero if the recordset is positioned on a deleted record. |
AddNew | Prepares for adding a new record. Call Update to complete the addition. |
CancelUpdate | Cancels any pending updates due to an AddNew or Edit operation. |
Delete | Deletes the current record from the recordset. You must explicitly scroll to another record after the deletion. |
Edit | Prepares for changes to the current record. Call Update to complete the edit. |
Update | Completes an AddNew or Edit operation by saving the new or edited data on the data source. |
Recordset Navigation Operations
GetBookmark | Assigns the bookmark value of a record to the parameter object. |
Move | Positions the recordset to a specified number of records from the current record in either direction. |
MoveFirst | Positions the current record on the first record in the recordset. Test for IsBOF first. |
MoveLast | Positions the current record on the last record or on the last rowset. Test for IsEOF first. |
MoveNext | Positions the current record on the next record or on the next rowset. Test for IsEOF first. |
MovePrev | Positions the current record on the previous record or on the previous rowset. Test for IsBOF first. |
SetAbsolutePosition | Positions the recordset on the record corresponding to the specified record number. |
SetBookmark | Positions the recordset on the record specified by the bookmark. |
Cancel | Cancels an asynchronous operation or a process from a second thread. |
FlushResultSet | Returns nonzero if there is another result set to be retrieved, when using a predefined query. |
GetFieldValue | Returns the value of a field in a recordset. |
GetODBCFieldInfo | Returns specific kinds of information about the fields in a recordset. |
GetRowsetSize | Returns the number of records you wish to retrieve during a single fetch. |
GetRowsFetched | Returns the actual number of rows retrieved during a fetch. |
GetRowStatus | Returns the status of the row after a fetch. |
IsFieldDirty | Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record has been changed. |
IsFieldNull | Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record is Null (has no value). |
IsFieldNullable | Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record can be set to Null (having no value). |
RefreshRowset | Refreshes the data and status of the specified row(s). |
Requery | Runs the recordset’s query again to refresh the selected records. |
SetFieldDirty | Marks the specified field in the current record as changed. |
SetFieldNull | Sets the value of the specified field in the current record to Null (having no value). |
SetLockingMode | Sets the locking mode to “optimistic” locking (the default) or “pessimistic” locking. Determines how records are locked for updates. |
SetParamNull | Sets the specified parameter to Null (having no value). |
SetRowsetCursorPosition | Positions the cursor on the specified row within the rowset. |
Check | Called to examine the return code from an ODBC API function. |
CheckRowsetError | Called to handle errors generated during record fetching. |
DoBulkFieldExchange | Called to exchange bulk rows of data from the data source to the recordset. Implements bulk record field exchange (Bulk RFX). |
DoFieldExchange | Called to exchange data (in both directions) between the field data members of the recordset and the corresponding record on the data source. Implements record field exchange (RFX). |
GetDefaultConnect | Called to get the default connect string. |
GetDefaultSQL | Called to get the default SQL string to execute. |
OnSetOptions | Called to set options for the specified ODBC statement. |
SetRowsetSize | Specifies the number of records you wish to retrieve during a fetch. |