CRect::operator +=

void operator +=( POINT point );

void operator +=( SIZE size );

void operator +=( LPCRECT lpRect );



A POINT structure or CPoint object that specifies the number of units to move the rectangle.


A SIZE structure or CSize object that specifies the number of units to move the rectangle.


Points to a RECT structure or CRect object that contains the number of units to inflate each side of CRect.


The first two overloads move CRect by the specified offsets. The parameter’s x and y (or cx and cy) values are added to CRect.

The third overload inflates CRect by the number of units specifed in each member of the parameter.

CRect OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRect::OffsetRect, CRect::InflateRect, CRect::operator +, CRect::operator -=