
virtual void AdjustRect( int nHandle, LPRECT lpRect );



Index of handle used.


Pointer to the current size of the rectangle. (The size of a rectangle is given by its height and width.)


Called by the framework when the tracking rectangle is resized by using a resize handle. The default behavior of this function allows the rectangle’s orientation to change only when Track and TrackRubberBand are called with inverting allowed.

Override this function to control the adjustment of the tracking rectangle during a dragging operation. One method is to adjust the coordinates specified by lpRect before returning.

Special features that are not directly supported by CRectTracker, such as snap-to-grid or keep-aspect-ratio, can be implemented by overriding this function.

CRectTracker OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRectTracker::Track, CRectTracker::TrackRubberBand, CRectTracker::OnChangedRect