
int LineIndex( int nLine = -1 ) const;

Return Value

The character index of the line specified in nLine or –1 if the specified line number is greater then the number of lines in the edit control.



Contains the index value for the desired line in the text of the edit control, or contains –1. If nLine is –1, it specifies the current line, that is, the line that contains the caret.


Call this function to retrieve the character index of a line within this CRichEditCtrl object. The character index is the number of characters from the beginning of the rich edit control to the specified line.

For more information, see EM_LINEINDEX in the Win32 documentation.

CRichEditCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRichEditCtrl::LineFromChar, CRichEditCtrl::GetLineCount