CSplitterWnd Class Members


CSplitterWnd Call to construct a CSplitterWnd object.
Create Call to create a dynamic splitter window and attach it to the CSplitterWnd object.
CreateStatic Call to create a static splitter window and attach it to the CSplitterWnd object.
CreateView Call to create a pane in a splitter window.


GetRowCount Returns the current pane row count.
GetColumnCount Returns the current pane column count.
GetRowInfo Returns information on the specified row.
SetRowInfo Call to set the specified row information.
GetColumnInfo Returns information on the specified column.
SetColumnInfo Call to set the specified column information.
GetPane Returns the pane at the specified row and column.
IsChildPane Call to determine whether the window is currently a child pane of this splitter window.
IdFromRowCol Returns the child window ID of the pane at the specified row and column.
RecalcLayout Call to redisplay the splitter window after adjusting row or column size.
GetScrollStyle Returns the shared scroll-bar style.
SetScrollStyle Specifies the new scroll-bar style for the splitter window’s shared scroll-bar support.


OnDrawSplitter Renders an image of a split window.
OnInvertTracker Renders the image of a split window to be the same size and shape as the frame window.
CreateScrollBarCtrl Creates a shared scroll bar control.
DeleteView Deletes a view from the splitter window.
SplitRow Indicates where a frame window splits horizontally.
SplitColumn Indicates where a frame window splits vertically.
DeleteRow Deletes a row from the splitter window.
DeleteColumn Deletes a column from the splitter window.
GetActivePane Determines the active pane from the focus or active view in the frame.
SetActivePane Sets a pane to be the active one in the frame.
CanActivateNext Checks to see if the Next Pane or Previous Pane command is currently possible.
ActivateNext Performs the Next Pane or Previous Pane command.
DoKeyboardSplit Performs the keyboard split command, usually "Window Split."
DoScroll Performs synchronized scrolling of split windows.
DoScrollBy Scrolls split windows by a given number of pixels.

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