
void TrimLeft( );

void CString::TrimLeft( TCHAR chTarget );

void CString::TrimLeft( LPCTSTR lpszTargets );



The target characters to be trimmed.


A pointer to a string containing the target characters to be trimmed.


Call the version of this member function with no parameters to trim leading whitespace characters from the string. When used with no parameters, TrimLeft removes newline, space, and tab characters.

Use the versions of this function that accept parameters to remove a particular character or a particular group of characters from the beginning of a string.

For a code example, see TrimRight.  For more information, see Strings Topics in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide

CString OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CString::Mid, CString::Left, CString::Right, CString::MakeUpper, CString::MakeLower, CString::MakeReverse, CString::Format