
BOOL GetItem( int nItem, TCITEM* pTabCtrlItem ) const;

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise.



Zero-based index of the tab.


Pointer to a TCITEM structure, used to specify the information to retrieve. Also used to receive information about the tab. This structure is used with the InsertItem, GetItem, and SetItem member functions.


Call this function to retrieve information about a tab in a tab control.

When the message is sent, the mask member specifies which attributes to return. If the mask member specifies the TCIF_TEXT value, the pszText member must contain the address of the buffer that receives the item text and the cchTextMax member must specify the size of the buffer.


Value specifying which TCITEM structure members to retrieve or set. This member can be zero or a combination of the following values:


Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the tab text if the structure contains information about a tab. If the structure is receiving information, this member specifies the address of the buffer that receives the tab text.


Size of the buffer pointed to by pszText. This member is ignored if the structure is not receiving information.


Index into the tab control’s image list, or  – 1 if there is no image for the tab.


Application-defined data associated with the tab. If there are more than four bytes of application-defined data per tab, an application must define a structure and use it instead of the TCITEM structure. The first member of the application-defined structure must be a TCITEMHEADER structure. The TCITEMHEADER structure is identical to the TCITEM structure, but without the lParam member. The difference between the size of your structure and the size of the TCITEMHEADER structure should equal the number of extra bytes per tab.

CTabCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CTabCtrl::InsertItem, CTabCtrl::SetItem