
A “tab control” is analogous to the dividers in a notebook or the labels in a file cabinet. By using a tab control, an application can define multiple pages for the same area of a window or dialog box. Each page consists of a set of information or a group of controls that the application displays when the user selects the corresponding tab. A special type of tab control displays tabs that look like buttons. Clicking a button should immediately perform a command instead of displaying a page.

The CTabCtrl class provides the functionality of the Windows common tab control. This control (and therefore the CTabCtrl class) is available only to programs running under Windows 95 and Windows NT version 3.51 and later.

For more information on using CTabCtrl, see Control Topics and Using CTabCtrl in the Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

#include <afxcmn.h>

Class MembersBase ClassHierarchy Chart

Sample   MFC Sample FIRE

See Also   CHeaderCtrl, CListCtrl