CTime Comparison Operators

BOOL operator ==( CTime time ) const;

BOOL operator !=( CTime time ) const;

BOOL operator <( CTime time ) const;

BOOL operator >( CTime time ) const;

BOOL operator <=( CTime time ) const;

BOOL operator >=( CTime time ) const;


These operators compare two absolute times and return nonzero if the condition is true; otherwise 0.


// example for CTime comparison operators
CTime t1 = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
CTime t2 = t1 + CTimeSpan( 0, 1, 0, 0 );    // 1 hour later
ASSERT( t1 != t2 );
ASSERT( t1 < t2 );
ASSERT( t1 <= t2 );

CTime OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart