
BOOL SortChildrenCB( LPTVSORTCB pSort );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



Pointer to a TVSORTCB structure.


Call this function to sort tree view items using an application-defined callback function that compares the items.

The structure's comparison function, lpfnCompare, must return a negative value if the first item should precede the second, a positive value if the first item should follow the second, or zero if the two items are equivalent.

The lParam1 and lParam2 parameters correspond to the lParam member of the TVITEM structure for the two items being compared. The lParamSort parameter corresponds to the lParam member of the TV_SORTCB structure.

CTreeCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CTreeCtrl::SortChildren