
void GetProperty( DISPID dwDispID, VARTYPE vtProp, void* pvProp )const;



Identifies the property to be retrieved. This value is usually supplied by Component Gallery.


Specifies the type of the property to be retrieved. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.


Address of the variable that will that will receive the property value. It must match the type specified by vtProp.


Call this member function to get the OLE control property specified by dwDispID. GetProperty then returns the value through pvProp.

Note   This function should be called only on a CWnd object that represents an OLE control.

For more information about using this member function with OLE Control Containers, see the article ActiveX Control Containers: Programming ActiveX Controls in an ActiveX Control Container, in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

CWnd OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWnd::InvokeHelper, COleDispatchDriver, CWnd::CreateControl