
void SendMessageToDescendants( UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0, BOOL bDeep = TRUE, BOOL bOnlyPerm = FALSE );



Specifies the message to be sent.


Specifies additional message-dependent information.


Specifies additional message-dependent information.


Specifies the level to which to search. If TRUE, recursively search all children; if FALSE, search only immediate children.


Specifies whether the message will be received by temporary windows. If TRUE, temporary windows can receive the message; if FALSE, only permanent windows receive the message. For more information on temporary windows see Technical Note 3.


Call this member function to send the specified Windows message to all descendant windows.

If bDeep is FALSE, the message is sent just to the immediate children of the window; otherwise the message is sent to all descendant windows.

If bDeep and bOnlyPerm are TRUE, the search continues below temporary windows. In this case, only permanent windows encountered during the search receive the message. If bDeep is FALSE, the message is sent only to the immediate children of the window.

CWnd OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWnd::SendMessage, CWnd::FromHandlePermanent, CWnd::FromHandle