Dispatch Maps

OLE Automation provides ways to call methods and to access properties across applications. The mechanism supplied by the Microsoft Foundation Class Library for dispatching these requests is the "dispatch map," which designates the internal and external names of object functions and properties, as well as the data types of the properties themselves and of function arguments.

Dispatch Maps

DECLARE_DISPATCH_MAP Declares that a dispatch map will be used to expose a class's methods and properties (must be used in the class declaration).
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP Starts the definition of a dispatch map.
END_DISPATCH_MAP Ends the definition of a dispatch map.
DISP_FUNCTION Used in a dispatch map to define an OLE automation function.
DISP_PROPERTY Defines an OLE automation property.
DISP_PROPERTY_EX Defines an OLE automation property and names the  "get" and "set" functions.
DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY Defines an OLE automation property with notification.
DISP_PROPERTY_PARAM Defines an OLE automation property that takes parameters and names the  "get" and "set" functions.
DISP_DEFVALUE Makes an existing property the default value of an object.