METHOD_PROLOGUE( theClass, localClass )



Specifies the name of the class whose interface map is being implemented.


Specifies the name of the local class that implements the interface map.


Use the METHOD_PROLOGUE macro to maintain the proper global state when calling methods of an exported interface.

Typically, member functions of interfaces implemented by CCmdTarget-derived objects already use this macro to provide automatic initialization of the pThis pointer. For example:

class CInnerUnknown : public IUnknown
   CInnerUnknown InnerUnknown;
// Inner IUnknown implementation 

   STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInnerUnknown::AddRef()
   METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCmdTarget, InnerUnknown)
   return pThis->InternalAddRef();

For additional information, see Technical Note 38 and "Managing the State Data of MFC Modules" in Creating New Documents, Windows, and Views, which is in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.