
BOOL PX_Blob( CPropExchange* pPX, LPCTSTR pszPropName, HGLOBAL& hBlob, HGLOBAL hBlobDefault = NULL );

Return Value

Nonzero if the exchange was successful; 0 if unsuccessful.



Pointer to the CPropExchange object (typically passed as a parameter to DoPropExchange).


The name of the property being exchanged.


Reference to the variable where the property is stored (typically a member variable of your class).


Default value for the property.


Call this function within your control’s DoPropExchange member function to serialize or initialize a property that stores binary large object (BLOB) data. The property’s value will be read from or written to the variable referenced by hBlob, as appropriate. This variable should be initialized to NULL before initially calling PX_Blob for the first time (typically, this can be done in the control’s constructor). If hBlobDefault is specified, it will be used as the property’s default value. This value is used if, for any reason, the control’s initialization or serialization process fails.

The handles hBlob and hBlobDefault refer to a block of memory which contains the following:

Note that PX_Blob will allocate memory, using the Windows GlobalAlloc API, when loading BLOB-type properties. You are responsible for freeing this memory. Therefore, the destructor of your control should call GlobalFree on any BLOB-type property handles to free up any memory allocated to your control.

See Also   COleControl::DoPropExchange