SOCKADDR Structure

The SOCKADDR structure has the following form:

struct sockaddr {
    unsigned short sa_family;
    char           sa_data[14];

The SOCKADDR structure is used to store an Internet Protocol (IP) address for a machine participating in a Windows Sockets communication.



Socket address family.


Maximum size of all of the different socket address structures.


The Microsoft TCP/IP Sockets Developer’s Kit only supports the Internet address domains. To actually fill in values for each part of an address, you use the SOCKADDR_IN data structure, which is specifically for this address format. The SOCKADDR and the SOCKADDR_IN data structures are the same size. You simply cast to switch between the two structure types. For more information, see Windows Sockets Programming Considerations in the Win32 SDK documentation.

See Also   SOCKADDR_IN, CAsyncSocket::Create, CSocket::Create