
template <class T, class TBase = CWindow>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAxDialogImpl : public CDialogImplBaseT<
TBase >



Your class, derived from CAxDialogImpl.


The base window class for CDialogImplBaseT.

Implements a dialog box (modal or modeless) that hosts ActiveX controls.

CAxDialogImpl allows you to create a modal or modeless dialog box. CAxDialogImpl provides the dialog box procedure, which uses the default message map to direct messages to the appropriate handlers.

CAxDialogImpl derives from CDialogImplBaseT, which in turn derives from TBase (by default, CWindow) and CMessageMap.

Note   Your class must define an IDD member that specifies the dialog template resource ID. For example, the ATL Object Wizard automatically adds the following line to your class:

enum { IDD = IDD_MYDIALOG };

where MyDialog is the Short name entered in the wizard’s Names page.

See Implementing a Dialog Box for more information.

#include <atlwin.h>

Class Members

See Also
