
void EnableStackedTabs( BOOL bStacked );



Indicates whether stacked tabs are enabled in the property sheet. Disable stacked rows of tags by setting bStacked to FALSE.


Call this member function to indicate whether to stack rows of tabs in a property sheet. By default, if a property sheet has more tabs than will fit in a single row in the width of the property sheet, the tabs will stack in multiple rows. To use scrolling tabs instead of stacking tabs, call EnableStackedTabs with bStacked set to FALSE before calling DoModal or Create.

You must call EnableStackedTabs when you create a modal or a modeless property sheet. To incorporate this style in a CPropertySheet-derived class, write a message handler for WM_CREATE. In the overridden version of CWnd::OnCreate, call EnableStackedTabs( FALSE ) before calling the base class implementation.


int CMyPropertySheet::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
      // Set for Scrolling Tabs style
      // Call the base class
      if (CPropertySheet::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
            return -1;
      // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
      return 0;

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