Macros for OLE DB Consumer Templates

The OLE DB Consumer Templates include the following macros:

Accessor Map Macros

BEGIN_ACCESSOR Marks the beginning of an accessor entry.
BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP Marks the beginning of the accessor map entries.
END_ACCESSOR Marks the end of an accessor entry.
END_ACCESSOR_MAP Marks the end of the accessor map entries.

Column Map Macros

BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP Marks the beginning of the column map entries in the user record class.
BOOKMARK_ENTRY Represents a bookmark entry on the rowset. A bookmark entry is a special kind of column entry.
COLUMN_ENTRY Represents a binding to the specific column in the database.
COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports type parameter.
COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIZE Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports type and size parameters
BLOB_ENTRY Used to bind a binary large object.
BLOB_ENTRY_STATUS Reports the status of the BLOB field.
COLUMN_ENTRY_EX Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports type, length, precision, scale, and status parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_LENGTH Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports the length variable.
COLUMN_ENTRY_LENGTH_STATUS Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports status and length parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports precision and scale parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_LENGTH Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports the length variable, precision and scale parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_STATUS Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports the status variable, precision and scale parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_LENGTH_STATUS Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports status and length variables, precision and scale parameters.
COLUMN_ENTRY_STATUS Represents a binding to the specific column in the database. Supports the status variable.
END_COLUMN_MAP Marks the end of the column map entries.

Command Macro

DEFINE_COMMAND Specifies the command that will be used to create the rowset when using the CCommand class.

Parameter Map Macros

BEGIN_PARAM_MAP Marks the beginning of the parameter map entries in the user record class.
END_PARAM_MAP Marks the end of the parameter map entries.
SET_PARAM_TYPE Specifies COLUMN_ENTRY macros that follow the SET_PARAM_TYPE macro as input, output, or input/output.

See Also

Using the OLE DB Consumer Templates, Consumer Architecture Chart, Visual C++ OLE DB Consumer Templates