Click to open or copy the Generic project files.
The Generic sample is a generic Win32-based application with a menu and an About box, but without any real functionality. The sample demonstrates the basic steps that are used to create the application.
This sample uses the following keywords:
initapplication; initinstance; winhelp; centerwindow; clienttoscreen; createfont; createwindow; defwindowproc; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; enddialog; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; getfileversioninfo; getfileversioninfosize; getfocus; getlasterror; getmessage; getstringres; getsystemmetrics; getuserdefaultlangid; getversion; globalalloc; globalfree; globallock; globalunlock; initapplication; initinstance; isiconic; loadcursor; loadicon; lobyte; loword; lstrcat; lstrcpy; lstrlen; messagebeep; myregisterclass; postquitmessage; primarylangid; registerclass; registerclassex; sendmessage; setdlgitemtext; showwindow; systemparametersinfo; translatemessage; updatewindow; verqueryvalue; windproc; winmain; wndproc