AclAPI Sample: Acl Management API

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This module illustrates the new Acl management API for Windows NT® 4.0.

Developers of new software that is to run on Windows NT version 4.0 and above are encouraged to utilize these security APIs rather than implementing code that uses lower level security APIs. You can greatly reduce development and test time by using these APIs.

This sample illustrates this point by implementing code that modifies the security on an existing file using the Windows NT 4.0 Acl management API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

accfree; atol; buildexplicitaccesswithname; displaylasterror; formatmessagea; freelibrary; getlasterror; getnamedsecurityinfo; getstdhandle; loadlibraryex; localfree; makelangid; printf; setentriesinacl; setnamedsecurityinfo; stricmp; text; writefile