Click to open or copy the files for the APPC sample.
This sample demonstrates TPs for bulk send and receive.
Main Files
TP Name | Description |
SENDRECV | Contains the main routines for a simple bulk data sending and receiving TPs Sendtp and Recvtp. |
SENDTP | Simple command line TP which simply allocates, does the specified number of send_data and then deallocates. Done via a while loop. For DOS and OS/2. |
RECVTP | As SENDTP, but it receive_allocates, then receive_and_waits until it gets deallocated. Repeat this NumConversation times. |
NT and Win16 | Simple windows apps which use the async verbs and control operation via the window proc of a minimized window. This proc makes calls to IssueNextVerb on receipt of an async_complete message. To decide what to issue next, IssueNextVerb uses the opcode of the verb which just completed, and calls the appropriate do_ routine to fill in the vcb. It then calls the appropriate APPC entry point. |
For more information, see APPC Send and Receive TPs in Microsoft SNA Server.
There is a Snaenv.bat file to set environment variables, available via the SNA Samples topic.
This sample uses the following keywords:
_fmemchr; _fmemset; _fstricmp; _fstrncpy; _fstrupr; acssvc_c; appc; atoi; build_mc_allocate; build_mc_confirm; build_mc_confirmed; build_mc_deallocate; build_mc_receive_and_wait; build_mc_send_conversation; build_mc_send_data; build_receive_allocate; build_tp_ended; build_tp_started; conv_a_to_e; conv_e_to_a; createwindow; debugbreak; defined; defwindowproc; dispatchmessage; dosallocseg; dosfreeseg; fclose; fopen; fprintf; free; generatedata; get_run_details; getc; getmessage; getmodulefilename; getstockobject; gettickcount; globalalloc; globalfree; globalhandle; globallock; globalunlock; initialisemain; initialisewinmain; issuenextverb; loadcursor; loadicon; lstrcpy; makep; malloc; memchr; memcpy; memset; newconversation; outputresults; padstring; postmessage; postquitmessage; printf; processreturns; readconfig; readstring; registerclass; registerwindowmessage; selectorof; send_run_details; setwindowtext; showwindow; sprintf; strcmpi; strcpy; strncpy; strtok; strupr; tpwndproc; translatemessage; winappccleanup; winappcstartup; winasyncappc; winmain