Click to open or copy the ATLTangram project files.
ATLTangram is a port of the Tangram example found in the last chapter of Dale Rogerson's Inside Com ( Many thanks to Dale for doing all the hard work and allowing us to use the code in an ATL sample. This sample will help you convert a legacy COM application to one that uses ATL for its infrastructure.
ATLTangram is a large project consisting of the ATLTangram workspace, which is the master controller for seven subprojects: MFCTangram, ATLModel, ATLGdiWorld, ATLGLWorld, ATLModelps, ATLModelExe, and ATLTangramCanvas. The sample demonstrates several features of the Visual C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and several concepts of COM. The sample also demonstrates using MFC as the client of ATL COM servers.
Managing a Large Project
All of the project settings are already established for the sample. Follow these steps to examine the project interdependencies.
The ATLModel and ATLModelExe projects demonstrate how to set up a COM server so you can build it as either an in-proc server or a local server using the same set of files and two project files. Using two project files allows dependencies to exist on both the DLL and the EXE.
COM/ATL Features
This sample is a COM system that consists of several COM servers and an MFC application that uses the servers. The sample exhibits the intermodule communication via the connection point mechanism and demonstrates local and in-proc servers.
Other Demonstrated Features
The sample uses the following ATL classes:
CComObjectRootEx, CComCoClass, CComControl, IDispatchImpl, IProvideClassInfo2Impl, IPersistStreamInitImpl, IPersistStorageImpl, IPersistPropertyBagImpl, IPerPropertyBrowsingImpl, IQuickActivateImpl, IObjectSafetyImpl, IOleControlImpl, IOleObjectImpl, IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl, IViewObjectExImpl, IOleInPlaceObjectWindowlessImpl, IDataObjectImpl, ISupportErrorInfo, ISpecifyPropertyPagesImpl, IConnectionPointContainerImpl, IPropertyNotifySinkCP, CDialogImpl
The sample uses the following MFC classes:
CFrameWnd, CTypedPtrList<>, CDialog, CWinApp, and additional supporting classes.
This sample uses the following keywords:
_ASSERTE; AddRef; AddUpdateRect; Advise; assert; ASSERT; ATLTRACE; auxSolidSphere; BEGIN_COM_MAP; BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP; BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP; BitBlt; CATEGORYINFO ; CComCoClass; CComModule::GetClassObject; CComModule::GetLockCount; CComModule::Init; CComModule::RegisterServer; CComModule::Term; CComModule::UnregisterServer; CComObjectRootEx; CExeModule::Init; CExeModule::RegisterClassObjects; CExeModule::RegisterServer; CExeModule::RevokeClassObjects; CExeModule::UnregisterServer; CExeModule::UpdateRegistryFromResource; CFrameWnd::AssertValid; CFrameWnd::Dump; CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow; ChoosePixelFormat; CModelList; CoCreateInstance; CoInitializeEx; COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY; COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE; COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IMPL; CONNECTION_POINT_ENTRY; CopyRect; CoTaskMemFree; CProxyIATLTangramModelEvent; CreateCompatibleDC; CreatePalette; CWnd::CreateEx; DECLARE_GET_CONTROLLING_UNKNOWN; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP; DECLARE_ONLY_AGGREGATABLE; DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID; DeleteObject; DescribePixelFormat; DisableThreadLibraryCalls; DispatchMessage; DoButtonDown; DoModal; END_COM_MAP; END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP; END_MESSAGE_MAP; END_OBJECT_MAP; EqualRect; ErrorMessage; GdiFlush; GetBoundingRect; GetClientRect; GetCommandLine; GetControllingUnknown; GetDC; GetMessage; GetModuleFileName; GetObject; GetPalette; GetPaletteEntries; GetPixelFormat; GetRotation; GetVertices; glBegin; glClearColor; GLdouble CoCreateInstance; glEnable; glEnd; glFlush; glGetIntegerv; glInitNames; glLightfv; glLightModelfv; glLoadIdentity; glMatrixMode; glNormal3d; glPolygonMode; glPopMatrix; glPopName; glPushMatrix; glPushName; GLRender; glRenderMode; GLResize; glRotated; glSelectBuffer; GLSetup; glTranslated; glTranslatef; gluPerspective; gluPickMatrix; gluUnProject; glVertex2d; glVertex3d; glViewport; HPALETTE; ICatInformation::EnumClassesOfCategories; ICatRegister::QueryInterface; ICatRegister::RegisterCategories; ICatRegister::RegisterClassImplCategories; ICatRegister::UnRegisterCategories; ICatRegister::UnRegisterClassImplCategories; IConnectionPointContainer::FindConnectionPoint; IConnectionPointContainer::Release; IConnectionPointContainerImpl; InitInstance; InvalidateRect; IsCurrent; IsValidAddress; IUnknown::Release; LoadIcon; LoadStandardCursor; LocalFree; MakeCurrent; OBJECT_ENTRY; ON_COMMAND; ON_WM_DESTROY ; OnCancel; OnDestroy; OnInitDialog; OnOK; OnQueryNewPalette; OutputDebugString; OutputGlError; Polygon; PreCreateWindow; PtInRegion; QueryInterface; RealizePalette; Release; ReleaseConnectionPoint; ReleaseDC; Rotate; SelectObject; SelectPalette; SetPixelFormat; SetRectEmpty; specifyMaterial; StringFromCLSID; SubkeyExists; va_end; wcscpy; wglCreateContext; wglGetCurrentContext; wglMakeCurrent
Building the Sample
The project has established all the interdependencies in the IDE. These interdependencies work with the default directory structure for the sample and are path-relative.
The MFCTangram project drives all of the other projects. By building this project, you will build all of the necessary, interdependent projects:
The dependency hierarchy looks roughly like this: