Attribut: Attribute Filter Sample for Displaying Folder Properties

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This sample is a console-mode application that displays folder properties by using the Attribute filter. This filter is applied to a site container in order to enumerate specified properties of a machine of architecture type Personal Computer. This technique is used because it is faster than setting group filters and then retrieving specified machine group scalars.

For more information, see Attribut.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

check; chkstat; connecttodatasource; didrequesthelp; displayfolder; displaygreeting; displayhelp; displayscalars; displaysmserror; format; gets; getsize; getstatusname; inputstring; memset; printf; removeall; setat; setfilters; setsize; smsaddtoken; smsapiver; smsclosecontainer; smsclosefilter; smsclosefolder; smscreatefilter; smsdatasourceconnect; smsdatasourcedisconnect; smsgetfoldercount; smsgetfolderid; smsgetfoldertype; smsgetnextfolder; smsgetnextscalar; smsgetscalarcount; smsopencontainer; smspopulate; smssetfilter; strcmp; strcpy