Browser: Bloodhound Parser DLL Sample for MS Browser

Click to open or copy the files for the Browser sample.

This sample is a parser DLL for MS Browser.

Main Files

File Description
Browser.c Bloodhound parser DLL for MS Browser.
Main.c Bloodhound parser DLL Browser.
Hostannc.h Defines the data structures related to host announcements.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addproperty; attachpropertyinstance; browse_annc_comment; browse_annc_name; browserattachproperties; browserderegister; browserformatcommand; browserformatproperties; browserformatsummary; browserrecognizeframe; browserregister; createpropertydatabase; createprotocol; debugbreak; destroypropertydatabase; destroyprotocol; dllentry; election_make_rev; field_offset; formatbrowsersummary; formatperiodicity; formatuptime; host_annc_comment; host_annc_name; oemtochar; pack; switch; wsprintf