CMC.cli: Common Messaging Calls Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the Cmc.cli sample.

Click to open or copy the common files (required).

This sample demonstrates using Common Messaging Calls (CMC) functions. The sample is a very simple mail client. Using it is intuitive and straightforward.

Before running this application, install the MAPI run-time binaries on your system.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_fmemcmp; _fmemcpy; _fmemset; _lclose; _llseek; _lread; _lwrite; aboutdlgproc; atoi; checkdlgbutton; checkradiobutton; cmcacton; cmcfree; cmclist; cmclookup; cmcqueryconfiguration; cmcread; cmcsend; copyattachment; copyfile; copyrecipient; createsolidbrush; deinitapplication; deinitsimplecmc; deleteobject; dialogbox; drawmsgicon; fcmcinstalled; findnode; getdlgitem; getprofileint; getprofilestring; getsyscolor; globalallocptr; globalfreeptr; inboxdlgproc; initapplication; initinstance; invalidaterect; isdlgbuttonchecked; loadcursor; loadstring; logsendmail; lstrcmp; lstrcpy; lstrlen; lzclose; lzcopy; lzopenfile; mainwndproc; makedisplaynamestr; makemessagebox; messagebox; openfile; pvalloc; pvallocmore; pvfree; readmaildlgproc; regclosekey; regopenkeyex; regqueryvalueex; resolvefriendlynames; savefileattachments; securemenu; selectobject; senddlgitemmessage; setcursor; setdlgitemtext; setfocus; sprintf; switch; togglemenustate; winmain; wsprintf