Click to open or copy the files for the Command.ext sample.
Click to open or copy the common files (required).
The Command.ext sample demonstrates how to implement custom command extensions for the Microsoft Exchange Client. This sample demonstrates:
The custom command displays the number of subfolders, read messages, and unread messages in a selected folder.
This sample uses the following keywords:
addref; appendmenu; dllmain; docommand; enablemenuitem; exchentrypoint; failed; freeprows; getcmdid; getcontentstable; getfolderstats; gethierarchytable; getmenu; getmenupos; getobject; getrowcount; getselectionitem; getsession; getversion; help; initmenu; installcommands; lstrcpyn; mapifreebuffer; messagebox; myexchextuserevents; onobjectchange; onselectionchange; openentry; querybuttoninfo; queryhelptext; queryinterface; queryrows; release; resettoolbar; sendmessage; setcolumns; setcontext; setiexchext; sizedsproptagarray; stdmethodimp_; wsprintf