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The ConGui sample demonstrates how a standard console application can take advantage of some of the graphical capabilities of Windows NT®.
Caution This sample application illustrates a method by which a console application can utilize some (but not all) of the graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities of the Win32 API. It was not the original design intention of the Console layer of Windows NT to allow it to interact in this manner with the graphical API, and because of this, problems can occur if you try to accomplish too much. Therefore, exercise restraint in using the graphical Win32 API in your console application. If your needs go beyond the simple methods illustrated here, consider designing your application as a full GUI application.
This sample uses the following keywords:
doargs; enddialog; getchar; getconsolescreenbufferinfo; getdialogargs; getfocus; getlasterror; getstdhandle; islower; senddlgitemmessage; toupper; usage