Cursor: Sample for Manipulating Cursor and Selecting Region

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This sample demonstrates how to manipulate a cursor and select a region.

Function Description
WinMain Calls initialization function, processes message loop.
InitApplication Initializes window data and registers window.
InitInstance Saves instance handle and creates main window.
MainWndProc Processes messages.
About Processes messages for the About dialog box.
sieve Generates primes. Time consuming function.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

clienttoscreen; createwindow; defwindowproc; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; enddialog; getclientrect; getcursorpos; getdc; getmessage; getstockobject; getsystemmetrics; initapplication; initinstance; lineto; loadcursor; loadicon; mainwndproc; movetoex; mpoint2point; point2mpoint; postquitmessage; registerclass; releasecapture; releasedc; screentoclient; setcapture; setcursor; setcursorpos; setrop2; showcursor; showwindow; sieve; strcpy; translatemessage; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; winmain; wsprintf