DDEprog Sample: Simple DDEML Service

Click to open or copy the DDEprog project files.

This sample implements a simple DDEML service DLL that makes interaction with a program simple.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

connecttoprogman; connecttoprogmana; connecttoprogmanw; ddeclienttransaction; ddeconnect; ddecreatestringhandlea; ddedisconnect; ddeinitializea; ddeinitializew; ddeuninitialize; dialogbox; disconnectfromprogman; dllmain; enddialog; getdlgitemtext; localalloc; localfree; mainwndproc; makeintresource; messagebeep; postmessage; proghelpddecallback; progmanexecutestring; progmanexecutestringa; progmanexecutestringw; showwindow; sleep; tlsalloc; tlsfree; tlsgetvalue; tlssetvalue; unreferenced_parameter; wcslen; winmain