Decode: Error Code Decoder Tool

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Decode is a decoder of 32-bit OLE error codes (HRESULTs) and Windows error codes. Enter OLE error codes in hexadecimal and Windows error codes in decimal.

This tool might not be able to decode errors added after the shipping of the Win32 SDK in which it is included.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

case_code; case_facility; case_hresult; checkdlgbutton; decodehresult; dialogbox; enddialog; facility_itf; facilty_control; formatmessage; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; hbrush; hresult_code; hresult_facility; hresultdialogfunc; isdlgbuttonchecked; loadcursor; loadicon; loword; lstrcpy; make_hresult; makeintresource; makelangid; registerclass; setwindowtext; sscanf; switch; text; wsprintf