DseqFile: AVIfile File Handler for DIB Sequences

Click to open or copy the files for the DseqFile sample.

This sample is an AVIfile file handler for DIB sequences. It is implemented in C++. To install, execute Dseqfile.reg and copy the DLL to the system directory. This sample can be used with AVIedit or AVIview.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_fmemset; _stdclassimplementations; addref; ansiprev; cavifile; cavifilecf; cavifileimpl; cavistreamimpl; cfactoryimpl; cmarshalimpl; cogetstandardmarshal; cpersistfileimpl; create; createinstance; createstream; cunknownimpl; define_aviguid; delete; deletestream; dibwidthbytes; dllcanunloadnow; dllgetclassobject; dllmain; dpf; dprintf; dseqparsefilename; endrecord; failed; filename; findsample; getmarshalsizemax; getprofileinta; getscode; getstream; getunmarshalclass; globalallocptr; globalfreeptr; hmemcpy; info; libmain; loadframe; loadstring; lockserver; lstrcpya; lstrlen; marshalinterface; max; min; mmioclose; mmioflush; mmioopen; mmioread; mmiowrite; openfile; outputdebugstringa; queryinterface; readdata; readformat; release; resultfromscode; seterrormode; setformat; setinfo; setrect; slash; stdmethodimp_; switch; va_end; va_start; warning; wep; widthbytes; writedata; writeframe; wsprintf; wsprintfw; wvsprintfa