Click to open or copy the files for the DynEpt sample.
This sample demonstrates a client application managing its connection to the server through dynamic endpoints.
Main Files
File | Description |
Readme.txt | Readme file for the DYNEPT sample |
Dynept.idl | Interface definition language file |
Dynept.acf | Attribute configuration file |
Dyneptc.c | Client main program |
Dynepts.c | Server main program |
Dyneptp.c | Remote procedures |
Makefile | Nmake file to build for Windows NT or Windows 95 |
Makefile.dos | Nmake file to build for MS-DOS |
This sample uses the following keywords:
atoi; defined; dynept_helloproc; dynept_shutdown; exit; fprintf; free; helloproc; malloc; midl_user_allocate; midl_user_free; ndrclientinitializenew; ndrconformantstringbuffersize; ndrconformantstringmarshall; ndrconformantstringunmarshall; ndrconvert; ndrfcshort; ndrfreebuffer; ndrgetbuffer; ndrsendreceive; ndrserverinitializenew; printf; rpcbindingfree; rpcbindingfromstringbinding; rpcbindingvectorfree; rpcepregister; rpcepunregister; rpcexcept; rpcexceptioncode; rpcmgmtstopserverlistening; rpcmgmtwaitserverlisten; rpcserverinqbindings; rpcserverlisten; rpcserverregisterif; rpcserverunregisterif; rpcserveruseprotseq; rpcstringbindingcompose; rpcstringfree; shutdown; tolower; usage