Employee: ADO Form Sample

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This sample displays employee data in a form. It allows users to scroll, insert, update and delete data. Note that existing employee records cannot be deleted from the table because of referential integrity constraints.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_t; addnew; addrecord; afxgetapp; afxmessagebox; allocsysstring; appendmenu; assert; begin_message_map; bstr; caboutdlg; cancelupdate; catch; cdialog; cempapp; cempbiz; cempdlg; clear; clearfilter; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; commitalteredemprec; connecttodatabase; cstring; cvar; dc; ddx_text; declare_message_map; delete; deleterecord; dodataexchange; domodal; drawicon; enable3dcontrols; enable3dcontrolsstatic; enablewindow; end_message_map; failed; findforward; get_bof; get_bookmark; get_collect; get_editmode; get_eof; get_fields; get_filter; get_item; getclientrect; getdlgitem; getemployeeid; geterrormessage; getfirstname; gethomephone; getlastname; getsafehdc; getsystemmenu; getsystemmetrics; gettitle; height; initinstance; isaddmode; isempty; isiconic; loadicon; loadstring; messagebeep; movefirst; movelast; movenext; moveprevious; on_bn_clicked; on_command; on_wm_paint; on_wm_querydragicon; on_wm_syscommand; onappopenrecord; oneditadd; oneditdelete; oneditfindf; oneditfirst; oneditlast; oneditnext; oneditprevious; oninitdialog; onpaint; onquerydragicon; onsyscommand; open; preparecriteria; put_bookmark; put_filter; put_source; put_value; putref_activeconnection; release; sendmessage; setfieldstates; setfocus; seticon; str; sysallocstring; sysallocstringlen; throw_err; update; updatedata; updateemprec; variantclear; variantcopy; variantinit; varindex; vnull; vtocstr; vtodate; vtolong; wcslen; width; wsprintf