Click to open or copy the files for the FastFile sample.
This sample provides the ability to create a very fast way to access large numbers of files.
Use Ffcreate.exe to create a single flat file. Just run Ffcreate in the directory that contains all of the files you wish to access. A file will be created at the root (Result.ff) that is the FastFile. (You can specify a filename on the command line to override the default of Result.ff. If you do so, make sure that the result file is NOT generated in the current directory).
This sample uses the following keywords:
_close; _lseek; _open; _read; _stricmp; _write; bsearch; closehandle; compare; createfile; createfilemapping; exit; fastfileclose; fastfilefini; fastfileinit; fastfilelock; fastfileopen; fastfileread; fastfileseek; fastfiletell; fastfileunlock; findclose; findfirstfile; findnextfile; findresource; loadresource; localalloc; localfree; lockresource; malloc; mapviewoffile; memcpy; memset; ods; outputdebugstring; pack; printf; qsort; realloc; strcpy; unmapviewoffile