FontView: Font Usage

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The FontView sample demonstrates several programming aspects. As a stand-alone application, it allows you to experiment with the various parameters of the CreateFont function, as well as examine the fonts and metrics returned by the call.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_moveto; abs; circleblt; cos; createdlgproc; createfont; createsolidbrush; defined; deleteobject; destroywindow; dialogbox; dialogboxparam; enddialog; enumdlgproc; exttextout; fabs; freeprocinstance; getdc; getdlgitemtext; getfocus; getmenu; getstockobject; getsubmenu; getsyscolor; getsystemmenu; getwindowlong; getwindowtext; lstrcmp; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makeprocinstance; max; messagebeep; metricsdlgproc; min; moveto; movetoex; radian; releasedc; selectobject; sendmessage; setbkcolor; setdlgitemtext; settextcolor; setwindowtext; simpledlgproc; sin; updatepositions; warning; windowfrompoint; winmain