InOut: Directional Attributes [in,out] Parameters Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the InOut sample.

This sample demonstrates the use of [in,out] parameters.

Main Files

File Description
Readme.txt Readme file for the INOUT sample
Inout.idl Interface definition language file
Inout.acf Attribute configuration file
Inoutc.c Client main program
Inouts.c Server main program
Inoutp.c Remote procedures
Makefile Nmake file to build for Windows NT or Windows 95
Makefile.dos Nmake file to build for MS-DOS

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

atof; atoi; defined; exit; fprintf; free; inout_inoutproc; inout_shutdown; inoutproc; malloc; midl_user_allocate; midl_user_free; ndrclientinitializenew; ndrconvert; ndrfcshort; ndrfreebuffer; ndrgetbuffer; ndrsendreceive; ndrserverinitializenew; printf; rpcbindingfree; rpcbindingfromstringbinding; rpcexcept; rpcexceptioncode; rpcmgmtstopserverlistening; rpcmgmtwaitserverlisten; rpcraiseexception; rpcserverlisten; rpcserverregisterif; rpcserverunregisterif; rpcserveruseprotseqep; rpcstringbindingcompose; rpcstringfree; shutdown; tolower; usage