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ISAPI is a sample ISAPI application that runs on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). The application is written to ActiveX Data Objects to fetch data from the database and return the data back to the client in HTML format.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_t; clear; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; colevariant; converthextodec; couninitialize; cstring; dllentrypoint; failed; fetchdata; get_count; get_description; get_eof; get_errors; get_fields; get_item; get_name; get_value; getextensionversion; httpextensionproc; lstrcpyna; makelong; movenext; multibytetowidechar; open; outputerrors; outputstring; patchquery; put_source; putref_activeconnection; release; sprintf; sysallocstring; sysallocstringlen; sysfreestring; toupper; variantchangetype; writeclient; wsprintf