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LangPlay is a sample Windows application to play AVI movies (multi-audio stream) using MCIWnd. It handles multiple language track movies and lets the user select the track to listen to at playback. Multing.avi is an example file found on the CD.
This sample uses the following keywords:
aboutdlgproc; adjustwindowrect; appendmenu; avifileclose; avifileexit; avifilegetstream; avifileinfo; avifileinit; avifileopen; avistreamclose; avistreaminfo; beginpaint; buildlangmenu; checkmenuitem; createwindow; defwindowproc; deletemenu; destroywindow; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; drawmenubar; enablemenuitem; enddialog; endpaint; enumlangs; fileopenmovie; getmenu; getmenuitemcount; getmessage; getopenfilename; getsubmenu; getsystemmetrics; getwindowinstance; getwindowlong; getwindowrect; globalalloc; globalfree; globallock; globalunlock; initapp; invalidaterect; isiconic; lstrcpy; makeintresource; mciwndclose; mciwndcreate; mciwnddestroy; mciwndopen; mciwndsendstring; memset; menubarupdate; messagebeep; messagebox; movewindow; postmessage; postquitmessage; registerclass; sendmessage; setwindowpos; setwindowtext; showwindow; switchlang; titlebarupdate; translatemessage; updatewindow; videoforwindowsversion; wndproc; wsprintf