Listen Samples

Click to open or copy the files for the Listen sample.

Click to open or copy the Testlib directory (required).

The Listen sample has two versions, in two subdirectories: Block, and Nonblock.

This sample demonstrates NWLink.  It is a simple example of opening a SPX socket, binding to the socket, and listening for a connection.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

accept; bind; closesocket; do_listen; do_recv_send; dos_net_perror; exit; free; getsockname; listen; makeword; malloc; memcpy; net_init; parse_cmd_line; print_netaddr; print_saddr; print_wsa; printf; recv; send; socket; wait_for_connection; wsastartup; accept; bind; closesocket; do_listen; do_recv_send; dos_net_perror; exit; free; getsockname; ioctlsocket; listen; makeword; malloc; memcpy; net_init; parse_cmd_line; print_netaddr; print_saddr; print_wsa; printf; recv; send; sleep; socket; wait_for_connection; wsastartup