Click to open or copy the files for the Mandel sample.
This sample is a distributed fractal drawing application that uses reference pointers, the implicit_handle attribute and handl_t primitive types.
Main Files
File | Description |
Readme.txt | Notes about this sample |
Mdlrpc.idl | Interface definition language file |
Mdlrpc.acf | Attribute configuration file |
Mandel.c | Client main program |
Mandel.h | Client global data |
Remote.c | Client code that calls remote procedures |
Rpc.ico | Client icon |
Mandel.def | Client module definition file |
Mandel.rc | Client resource script file |
Server.c | Server main program |
Calc.c | Remote procedures |
Makefile | Nmake utility for Windows NT or Windows 95 | | Nmake utility for Win 3.x |
This sample uses the following keywords:
atoi; beginpaint; bind; bitblt; calchistogram; calcmand; calcthreshold; checkdrawingid; checkdrawstatus; checkmenuitem; counthistogram; createcompatiblebitmap; createcompatibledc; createwindow; defined; defwindowproc; deletedc; deleteobject; destroywindow; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; dosomework; drawrect; enablemenuitem; enddialog; endpaint; endpoint; exit; fillrect; fprintf; free; freedrawbuffer; freeprocinstance; getdc; getdlgitemtext; getmenu; getmessage; getstockobject; getwindowrect; incpictureid; initapplication; inithistogram; initinstance; initremote; invalidaterect; killtimer; loadcursor; loadicon; localalloc; localfree; locallock; localunlock; lockdrawbuffer; mainwndproc; makeprocinstance; malloc; mandelcalc; mapcolor; mdlrpc_mandelcalc; messagebox; midl_user_allocate; midl_user_free; ndrclientinitializenew; ndrconvert; ndrfcshort; ndrfixedarraymarshall; ndrfixedarrayunmarshall; ndrfreebuffer; ndrgetbuffer; ndrpointerfree; ndrsendreceive; ndrserverinitializenew; ndrsimplestructbuffersize; ndrsimplestructmarshall; ndrsimplestructunmarshall; paintline; postmessage; postquitmessage; printf; protseq; querythreshold; registerclass; releasecapture; releasedc; resetpictureid; returndrawbuffer; rgb; rpcbindingfree; rpcbindingfromstringbinding; rpcexcept; rpcexceptioncode; rpcmgmtwaitserverlisten; rpcraiseexception; rpcserverlisten; rpcserverregisterif; rpcserveruseprotseqep; rpcstringbindingcompose; rpcstringfree; selectobject; sendmessage; server; setcapture; setdlgitemtext; setnewcalc; setpixel; settimer; showwindow; sprintf; strcpy; switch; takedrawbuffer; tolower; translatemessage; unlockdrawbuffer; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; usage; winmain