NPserver: Named Pipe Client/Server Demonstration

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Npclient and Npserver demonstrate the use of named pipes. The basic design consists of a server application serving multiple client applications. The user can use the client applications as an interface to all of the other client applications via the server. The effect is a simple communication program that can be used over the network between multiple clients.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

bitblt; connectnamedpipe; createcompatibledc; createevent; deletedc; drawbranch; exitthread; getlasterror; getmapmode; getobject; initializesecuritydescriptor; invalidaterect; loadstring; localalloc; localfree; messagebox; registerclass; selectobject; serverproc; setmapmode; setsecuritydescriptordacl; tellall; unreferenced_parameter