Click to open or copy the files for the NT sample.

It is recommended that you download from the parent node instead (SMSView Samples), because there are several files there, including imported files.

This sample creates Views based on the current Group Map in SMS.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

checkcommandline; checksqlreturn; creategroupview; createsnmpvarbindsview; createv; ctl3dautosubclass; ctl3dregister; ctl3dunregister; dbconnect; dberrhandle; dbexit; dbinit; dblogin; dbmsghandle; dialogboxparam; enddialog; err_handler; errormsg; genresults; genviews; getconnectioninfo; getlasterror; getstockobject; loadcursor; loadicon; loadstring; localalloc; localfree; lstrcpy; makeintresource; makeuname; messagebox; registerclass; registereventsource; reportevent; senddlgitemmessage; setcursor; setupdbconnection; sqltestinit; strchr; strncpy; strstr; switch; text; toupper; winmain