PDF: Sample for Processing PDF File, Creating Package in Site Server DB

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Pdf.exe is a console application that processes a PDF file and creates a package in the SMS Site Server database. The main purpose of this program is to provide a working sample to developers who may want to process PDFs and load them into SMS from their own applications. This code demonstrates datasource connection, folder creation, scalar and token manipulation, folder display, SMS API version identification, and helper functions.

For more information, see Pdf.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_stricmp; _strnicmp; connecttodatasource; cplatform; cstring; ctime; didrequesthelp; displaygreeting; displayhelp; displayscalars; displaysmserror; fclose; fileexists; fillfiletokens; find; fopen; fread; fseek; ftell; getcurrentdirectory; getplatforms; getprivateprofilestring; gets; getsize; getstatus; getstatusname; import; initplatforms; inputstring; left; memset; parseinventoryrules; parsepackagedef; parseprogramitemproperties; parsesetupforsharing; parsesetupvariations; printf; reversefind; setscalarint; setscalarstring; smsaddtoken; smsapiver; smsclosecontainer; smsclosefolder; smscommitfolder; smscreatefolder; smsdatasourceconnect; smsdatasourcedisconnect; smsgetfoldercount; smsgetfolderid; smsgetfoldertype; smsgetnextfolder; smsgetnextscalar; smsgetscalarcount; smsgettoken; smsgettokencount; smslinkfolder; smsmanipulatetokens; smsopencontainer; smsrewind; smssetscalar; sprintf; squote; sscanf; strcat; strcmp; strcpy; strstr; strtok; viewfolder