Click to open or copy the files for the Pipes sample.
This sample demonstrates how to write a program that uses pipes for transferring data between the client and the server. The client sends a file to the server using pipes. The server then "encodes" the data by adding 1 to every element in the file, and then sends the file back using pipes. The pipe used in this sample program is a in/out pipe.
This program also allows the user to compile either for UNICIODE or ANSI.
Main Files
File | Description |
Pipe.idl | Interface definition language file |
Pipe.acf | Attribute configuration file |
Pipec.c | Client main program |
Pipes.c | Server main program |
Common.h | Common header file for all the files |
Pipeproc.c | Remote procedures |
Makefile | Nmake file to build 32-bit client and server application for ANSI characters. |
Makefile.uni | Nmake file to build 32-bit client and server application for UNICODE characters. |
This sample uses the following keywords:
_tcsclen; _tcscmp; _tcscpy; _tfopen; _tprintf; cleanupserver; commandlinetoargvw; defined; exit; exit_if_fail; fclose; fread; free; fseek; fwrite; getcommandline; malloc; midl_user_allocate; midl_user_free; ndrclientcall2; ndrclientinitializenew; ndrfcshort; ndrfreebuffer; ndrgetbuffer; ndrsendreceive; ndrserverinitializenew; pipe_sample_shutdown; pipealloc; pipepull; pipepush; pull; push; rpcbindingfromstringbinding; rpcexcept; rpcexceptioncode; rpcmgmtstopserverlistening; rpcserverlisten; rpcserverregisterif; rpcserverunregisterif; rpcserveruseprotseqep; rpcstringbindingcompose; scramblefile; shutdown; text; usage; va_start