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This sample shows how to use the RAS Server API.

Main Files

File Description
Admapit.c Sample program demonstrating the use of different RasAdmin API. RasAdmin expects \\Servername as an argument.  RasAdminGetErrorString API returns an error string. However, this API may return an Error 87 (Invalid Parameter) for the Non-RAS Error codes. This API is design for only RAS-related error codes. This sample uses this API for all the errors, but it's a good idea to print the error codes before calling this API.
Admindll.c Sample program demonstrating the use of RasAdmin CallOut APIs.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_getch; closehandle; createfile; ctime; dbgprint; debug_print; exit; file_print; flushfilebuffers; free; init1; init2; istextunicode; lstrcat; lstrcmp; lstrcpy; malloc; mbstowcs; memcmp; memcpy; multibytetowidechar; printclearstats; printf; printgetstringerror; printpriv; rasadminacceptnewconnection; rasadmincleardisc; rasadminconnectionhangupnotification; rasadminfreebuffer; rasadmingeterrorstring; rasadmingetipaddressforuser; rasadmingetuseraccountserver; rasadminportclearstatistics; rasadminportdisconnect; rasadminportenum; rasadminreleaseipaddress; rasadminservergetinfo; rasadminusergetinfo; rasadminusersetinfo; scanf; servergetinfo; sleep; sprintf; strdupwfroma; strncpy; text; toupper; userprivilege; waitforsingleobject; wcscmp; wcscpy; writefile