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This sample is a Microsoft® ActiveX component that schedules a Broadcast Architecture show reminder.
The SchSamp sample, SchSamp.dll, is an ActiveX component. It schedules a show reminder using the IScheduledItems interface, TssAdmin.dll, which is available from Television System Services. TV Viewer is used to display the reminder dialog box when the reminder runs.
SchSamp schedules a TV Viewer reminder for a broadcast show. At a specified amount of time before the show starts, the reminder runs, causing TV Viewer to display a dialog box to the user. This dialog box states that the show is about to start and offers the user the option to tune to that channel. You can use this component, for example, on a television enhancement page so users can schedule a reminder for next week's episode.
If you set reminders by any means other than ITVViewer::SetReminder, users cannot view them from the Search page of TV Viewer when a user selects MyReminders from the Categories list. Nor will the user see a reminder icon appear in that program's details list. However, TV Viewer still presents a reminder dialog box when the reminder runs.
Because SchSamp is implemented as an ActiveX component, you can call it from a variety of programming environments, such as VBScript or Microsoft JScript development software on a Web page, Visual Basic, Java, or C++. The other samples under the BA directory use Web-based VBScript to call SchSamp.
For more information about how to write applications that schedule show reminders, see Scheduling Show Reminders in the Broadcast Architecture Programmer's Reference.