Scrawl: DirectInput Exclusive Mouse Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the Scrawl sample.

Basic demonstration of DirectInput exclusive mouse usage.  Lets you draw on the screen with the mouse, and shows how the calls are made.  Right-click to display a menu of options.

This sample demonstrates the following:

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

acquire; adjustwindowrectex; appendmenu; appinit; beginpaint; bitblt; checkmenuitem; clienttoscreen; closehandle; complain; createbitmap; createcompatibledc; createdevice; createevent; createwindowex; defwindowproc; deletedc; deleteobject; destroywindow; diinit; directinputcreate; dispatchmessage; diterm; drawicon; enablemenuitem; endpaint; failed; get_wm_command_id; getactivewindow; getdc; getdevicedata; geticoninfo; getlasterror; getobject; getstockobject; getsystemmenu; handle_msg; invalidatecursorrect; invalidaterect; isiconic; iswindow; lineto; loadcursor; loadicon; loadmenu; makeintresource; messagebox; movetoex; msgwaitformultipleobjects; patblt; peekmessage; postmessage; postquitmessage; registerclass; release; releasedc; scrawl_onbutton0down; scrawl_onbutton0down_flushmotion; scrawl_onbutton1up; scrawl_onclear; scrawl_oncreate; scrawl_oninitmenupopup; scrawl_onkeydown; scrawl_onmouseinput; scrawl_onpaint; scrawl_syncacquire; scrawlwndproc; selectobject; setcooperativelevel; setcursorpos; setdataformat; seteventnotification; setproperty; showcursor; showwindow; size; trackpopupmenuex; translatemessage; unacquire; updatecursorposition; updatewindow; va_end; va_start; winmain; wsprintf