SetDisp: Dynamically Changing the Display Settings

Click to open or copy the files for the SetDisp sample.

The SetDisp sample creates a taskbar notification icon that you can use to dynamically change your display settings. You can change resolution, color depth, and refresh rate.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

createmenu; destroyicon; destroymenu; dialogbox; enddialog; free; get_wm_command_id; getmenu; getversionex; isnt; killtimer; loadimage; lstrcpyn; makeintresource; messagebox; notifyadd; notifydelete; outputdebugstring; qsort; sendmessage; setmenudefaultitem; setmenuitembitmaps; settimer; shell_notifyicon; showwindow; switch; text; traymessage; trc; unreferenced_parameter; verifydlgproc; verifytimerproc; wsprintf