Spoly: Draw Polygons

Click to open or copy the Spoly project files.

The Spoly sample draws polygons. The only way to make Spoly draw a polygon is to use its Automation interface.

The spoly.application is one Automation object that is exposed by Spoly. The object spoly.application is associated with Spoly's main application window. It controls drawing polygons and clearing the display.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addpoint; addref; ansistring; appliczone; assert; assertsz; beginpaint; c2pstr; cenumpoint; clone; comparestring; convertstratow; convertstrwtoa; coregisterclassobject; corevokeclassobject; cpoint; cpointcf; cpoly; cpolycf; create; createinstance; createpen; createrectrgn; createwindow; cstatbar; data_seg; debugbreak; debugstr; decobjectcount; defframeproc; define_guid; defined; defwindowproc; deleteobject; destroywindow; dim; dispatchmessage; dispgetparam; draw; dump; endpaint; ensureregistration; enumpoints; failed; framewndoncreate; framewndonsize; framewndproc; get_blue; get_green; get_red; getclassinfo; getclientrect; getdc; getfont; getheight; getidsofnames; getitem; getmenuitemtext; getmessage; getport; getstockobject; getsyscolor; getsystemmetrics; gettext; gettextmetrics; gettypeinfo; gettypeinfocount; getwidth; getwindow; getwindowlong; getx; getxorigin; gety; getyorigin; getzone; header; incobjectcount; initapplication; initinstance; initole; invalidaterect; invoke; isequaliid; lineto; loadcursor; loadicon; lockserver; move; moveto; movetoex; movewindow; multibytetowidechar; next; oleinitialize; olestr; oleuninitialize; outputdebugstring; outputdebugstringa; pennormal; pensize; polydraw; polydump; polyterm; postquitmessage; queryinterface; quit; regclosekey; register; registerclass; regopenkey; regsetvalue; release; releasedc; reset; revoke; rgb; rgbforecolor; safearraycopy; safearraycreate; safearraydestroy; safearraygetdim; safearraygetelement; safearraygetlbound; safearraygetubound; safearrayputelement; sbprintf; selectcliprgn; selectobject; sendmessage; set_blue; set_green; set_red; setbkmode; setfont; setheight; setport; settext; setwidth; setwindowlong; setx; setxorigin; sety; setyorigin; show; showwindow; skip; spolygetidsofnames; sprintf; statbarwndproc; stdmethod; stdmethod_; stdmethodimp_; string; switch; sysallocstring; sysfreestring; sysstringlen; textout; translatemessage; tstr; uninitole; unused; update; updatewindow; va_start; variantclear; variantinit; wcsicmp; widechartomultibyte; widestring; winmain; wmpaint; wsprintf; wvsprintf